Don Lemon of CNN Walks off the Set After Guest Calls Him Fake

graceacupuncture - 27/09/2022 - NEWS - 587 Views

Over the last few years CNN has gotten progressively worse with their reporting and their ratings have reflected that as they have continually dropped, especially since President Trump took office.

But they have been getting crushed lately

CNN is getting crushed for reporting fake news. I'd say at this point it's pretty fair people are on them about fake news. After all, they have reported on a ton of fake news. Now, Don Lemon of CNN walks off the set after a Republican guest calls him fake news.

Check out the exchange that occurred which led to Don Lemon walking off the set.

Don Lemon: “Paris, what do you think?”

Paris Dennard: “I think this is fake news. This is not…this is not a news story.”

Don Lemon: “What about it is fake, Paris? Are we going down this road again?”

Paris Dennard: “Yeah we are! The President is not breaking any laws.”

Don Lemon: “…Please stop with that stupid talking point that this is a fake news story!…”

Paris Dennard: ” Don this is a fake news story in my opinion….”

At this point, Don Lemon couldn’t take the heat anymore, cut off his guest and walked away!

Don Lemon: “Ok, thank you very much everyone. Thanks for watching. Have a great weekend. Good night all.”

What makes this even better is there are times when Don Lemon tries to lecture people on the definition of fake news. Remember when President Trump said CNN had switched from "fake news" to "very fake news"? Well, now Don Lemon is doing his part to make sure that is true.


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Don Lemon of CNN Walks off the Set After Guest Calls Him Fake

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