Uplink: Hacker Elite - Guide and Walkthrough - PC - By
graceacupuncture - 11/05/2022 - NEWS - 751 Views
_______ ______ __/ / / /___/ (_)___/ /___/ / / /___ ______/ /__________ / / / / __ \/ / / __ \/ //_(_)/ /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/ _ \/ ___// /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / ,< _/ __/ /_/ / /__/ ,< /__/ /\____/ .___/_/_/_/ /_/_/|_(_)/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|\___/_//_/______ __ / ____/ (_) /____/ __/ / / / __/ _ \ / /___/ / / /_/__//_____/_/_/\__/\___/Version 0.5.This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.(From Gamefaqs copyright page)Note: This guide refers to the latest version, V1.3, which has substantialgameplay differences from earlier versions. Go to www.introversion.co.uk to get the patch.Version History---------------0.5: Found the old file- figured I'd go ahead and submit what'sin it. Spelling/grammatical errors abound, I'm sure.Sometime in December, 2003: Wrote most of the guide in a week, thenlost interest and forgot about it.+--------------++ Introduction ++--------------+Uplink: Hacker Elite is set in the year 2010. The world has now become totallyinterconnected, with internet links spanning the globe. There is global government, with massive corporations running everything. Of course, hacking has evolved as well. Today, the single hacker working fromhome is obselete. Most hackers work though the Uplink Corporation, a company that provides gateway hardware and broadband connections to the Internet. Uplink keeps no records on individuals- if you are successfully traced, all the cops get is your gateway machine and your nick. Of course, Uplink is forced to disavow you at this point (ie game over), but it's betterthan jail time. :)You start out with a a basic system, and a 3000-credit loan from Uplink. Yourgoal? Become the foremost hacker on the Internet, amass a huge amount of money, and, oh yeah, save the world. (Or help destroy it. It's up to you.)Terminology-----------This is just a list of terminology that I use in the WalkthroughBounce- To jump from one system to another without accessing the firstsystemBounce Path- A chain of bounces, ending in your target serverConsole- (see console section)Delog- Remove logs from a system in your bounce path.ISM- Internal Service MachineRev- RevelationGateway Interface-----------------When you first begin the game, your "computer" will dial in to the Uplink Corporation's Public Access Server. (Note: For those who are true newbies,you're not actually connecting to the Internet- it's a game. Hope thisis self-evident.) After some intro, you'll create a username and password.Don't worry about having to remember this- it's automatically saved.After you login, you'll be looking at the Gateway screen. This is youronly interface throughout the game, so it's important that you know what everything does. We'll start from the top. (Much of this is covered in thein-game tutorial.)Exit- The X at the top-left corner closes your Gateway and returns you tothe main menu.System Clock- At the top-left hand corner is your clock. This showsthe current date/time. Apparently, the world no longer has time zones,so you can use this when you're looking at logs.IP Address- To the right of the clock, a number displays the IP addressof the system that you're currently on. For example, your Gateway's IP is127.0.0.1. You'll need to be familiar with IP's to complete the game, butyou won't need to look at this much.Time Acceleration- Moving on to the right, there is a row of four buttons.These buttons control the flow of time, and let you pause to take a quickbreak, or accelerate when waiting for something to happen. Typically, you'll only accelerate time when waiting for a mission.CPU Usage- The CPU Usage Bar, in itself, doesen't actually do anything.When you load programs, they will appear, in descending fashion,below the CPU bar. Each loaded program has an indicator which shows howmuch CPU time it is using, and arrows to decrease or increase its usage.By default, all programs use an equal amount of CPU time, which is notvery efficient. Certain programs run faster with more CPU time, which isa very good thing.World Map- The small-scale world map, when clicked, takes you to the full-screen map. Every computer that you have a stored IP address for willdisplay as a square on this map. This is how you set up bounce connections.(Connections through multiple servers) The Save/Load buttons here will save/load a current bounce path, so that you don't have to manually clickthrough it every time. Use it often. Note that while you can set up the path,your computer won't do anything (or leave any logs) until you hit connect.Also, if you're currently connected somewhere, you'll have to disconnectto start a new connection somewhere else. The X, of course, takes you backto the gateway.Bottom Row (in order left to right):Software- The large button, much like the Windows Start button, is whereyou access all your programs. When clicked, a pop-up menu will appear, withall the programs currently loaded on your gateway divided into categories.If you've ever used Windows, you'll grasp this quickly. Unfortunately, there is no way to put program shortcuts on the main screen, which wouldbe a major time-saver.Hardware- This brings up a window which shows the specs of your currentgateway, as well as any interface upgrades. Yu can also view a full-screenpicture of your gateway, and installed components, from here.Memory- This button will show a list of any programs and data you have onyour computer. Whenever you copy something to or from your computer, you'lluse this screen.Rating- The next button will open a window displaying your Ratings. Your Uplink Rating (both number and description) is an indicator of yourskill level. Making money and completing missions increases your UplinkRating, while abandoning missions lowers it. As your rating rises, youwill be able to accept more advanced assignments.Here also is your Neuromancer rating, which is just a rough gauge ofyour morality level. This is hacker morality, BTW, so actions that hurtpeople will lower it, while actions that hurt corporations will raise it.It doesn't mean anything in-game though, as far as I can tell. If youget caught, this will also show your criminal record.Financial- This button will just show you how much money you have on handin your account. (If, for any reason, you decide to open another account,it will be listed here too.) Clicking on an account here will connectyou directly to the bank.Email- Sends an email. You will never use this.Connection Analyzer (once purchased)- Brings up the CA, which detectsany security systems currently running on your target. Also lets you launch bypass software.LAN View (once purchased)- Required to hack through a LAN.IRC Client (once purchased)- Connects to the real-world IRC. Unless you liketo chat while playing Uplink, there's no need for it.Hacking Basics--------------I'll do a quick overview of how hacking in the game works. (which, BTW, bears absolutely no resemblance to real-world hacking.) For most every system in the game that you connect to, you will need to haveadmin access to do anything. However, you will never know the admin password.This is where your Password Cracker comes in handy- it's the software that you'll be using the most throughout the game. Unfortunately,starting your Cracker will cause the system to trace your connection 99% of the time. Basically, this means you have to crack in, do whateveryou came to do, and disconnect before the trace finishes. Pretty simple.It does get more complicated, (ie you'll have more security systems to dealwith) but you'll always get more software to defeat them. Always rememberto bounce through as many systems as possible on the World Map, so thatyou'll have more time to crack your target. Warning: If you connect directly to a computer, and run anything suspicious, you will be caught immediately. Depending on the level/type of system, you'll eitherbe fined, charged, or get Game Over.There are two types of traces you have to deal with. The first is ActiveTracing, which is what I mentioned before. Simply click 'Disconnect' beforethe trace completes, and you'll never get caught by an AT. The second,and far more insidious, is Passive Tracing. Basically, the attacked systemwill go through its connection logs, and see what system you connected from.They will then go to that system, and see where you connected to it...etc.Eventually, it'll be traced back to you, which results in a Game Over every time. Solution? Delete your logs, somewhere along your bounce pouth.Later in the game, you'll have to make that a habit.+-------------++ Walkthrough ++-------------+This Walkthrough mainly covers the Special Missions. (the plot) I'll doa little intro to get you up to speed, though.(If you haven't done the Tutorial, I'd recommend it, just as a way toget used to the interface. However, once you're done, start a new user andfollow these directions, as I spend your opening credits differently thanthe Tutorial does.)First off, connect to your bank, and borrow up to your credit limit.This should give you 4000cr. Spend that on a lv4 Trace Tracker and aPassword Cracker. Use the Cracker to crack the Uplink test system, use your File Copier to download the file, and send it to Uplink. (Justhit reply to the mission email, and attach it. That's what you'll be doingevery time for a completed mission.)You'll now have access to basic copy/delete missions. Do as many as youhave access to, and always ask for more money/half the money first.As your rating increases, more missions will be available to you. (Seemy Mission Types section for help/details.) Your upgrade path should beas follows-1. Log Deleter lv42. Proxy Disable3. 200 Ghz CPU4. Decypher lv35. IP Lookup6. Connection Analyzer/Monitor Bypass lv5 (yes, it's 45k creds, but onewithout the other is useless, and buying the best first saves upgradecosts later)7. Proxy Bypass lv58. Any other software you need for missions9. Gateway/Hardware upgrades.For the most part, you want to buy the highest level of software first.There's no way to sell your old software, so only buying the highestlevel is the most efficient. This will also make sure that every systemin the game is hackable, without you having to check to see if you can.The only exception to this: you may need to buy a Decrypter, for the rare early mission that asks you to decrypt a copied file. For this case only, just buy the level you need. Your goal here is to get your system upgraded as fast as possible. You only have a limited amount of time before the plot missions start, and they will require a high-level system, so don't dawdle. As time passes, keep checkingthe news server- the plot will begin to unfold.Mission 0: The Beginning------------------------Reward: 0cDifficulty Level: 6/10 (more for the tedium than anything else)(Note: This isn't an actual mission, but it must be completed toadvance the plot.)Eventually, there will be a news item, saying that the #1 Uplink ranked hacker (or #2, if you've already surpassed him) has committed suicide.A week later, you'll receive an email from him, saying that he'sfound some suspicious software on the ARC Central Mainframe. You getthe link and a password. Make sure you note the time/date of the email-7 days before that is the time/date of the hack. You'll need to know that.Now, this is a mainframe, so you're going to have to use the usualtechniques. You'll have to bounce through the ARC ISM and have the admin voice recording. (See Mission Types: Mainframes if you're stuck.) BTW, thepassword you're given won't work on the mainframe.When you get into the system, you'll notice from the logs that the files havebeen deleted. There should be a log that matches the time/date you saw before, with an IP number showing where he connected from. Run the IP number through your IP_Lookup, which will give you the system to connect to.Now, lather, rinse, repeat, and hope he's gone through more ISM's than mainframes. (I've never seen it go through a LAN.) :) Keep tracing his path through the logs of the systems that he's bounced through. (Yes, this gets old fast.) There's one monkey wrench, though- at certain points, he'll use a Log Deleter v3 to cover his tracks. The Log Deleter v3 changes the information in the log, but not the date/time. Therefore, just use a Log Undeleter on all logs matching the correct time/date, before you lookup the IP number.Eventually, you'll get the IP number of his computer. It won't trace you,so just connect and enter using his provided password. (Your cracker willwork too.) You'll find the RevelationCore file you're looking for there- download it to your computer, and disconnect. You're done.(Oddly, due to a bug, if you read the logs on the ARC mainframe, the files are deleted BEFORE our hacker copies it. ???) Wait a couple days, and you'll get an email from ARC complimenting you on your skills, and offering work. To continue the plot, reply to the email. You'll get more information and the first ARC plot mission. A couple minutes later, you'll get another email, this time from Arunmor, with a couteroffer. This is where you decide which side to back: If you want to go with ARC, and destroy the Internet, take their mission. If you want to go with Arunmor, and save the Internet, reply to their email, and abandon the ARC mission. I recommend choosing Arunmor for the first timethrough the game, since their missions are easier, but it's up to you.BTW, these are considered Special Missions- for each one you complete,you'll get a little icon on your rating screen, and the Game Over screen.Also, if you decide to work for ARC, Arunmor will post some of its missions on the mission board. Playing both sides of the fence, however, will make it tougher to finish the final mission. Taking the Arunmor missions and ABANDONING them, however, will actually make the final mission easier, since they'll never be completed.Arunmor Missions----------------Mission 1: Backfire-------------------Reward: 15000cDifficulty: 0/10Easiest Special Mission there is, since you've already done the work. Simplyreply to Arunmor's email and attach the RevelationCore file.Mission 2: Tracer-----------------Reward:Difficulty: 3/10You're hacking the ARC ISM, in order to isntall a tracer that letsArunmor keep track of Revelation.This isn't too hard, as long as you have a Monitor/Proxy Bypass (and if you didn't, how'd you crack the mainframe?) Run your bypasses, get in, turn off the security, upload the tracer, run it, and disconnect. If you have time, delog at ARC- if not, just delog on your bounce path, like usual.You may have to delete a file from the file server to upload the Tracer.Mission 3: Take Me To Your Leader---------------------------------Reward:Difficulty: 3/10This mission is exactly like the one before, except you're crashing your own system, using Revelation, to put pressure on ARC.Remember to turn off the security before running Rev. Rev should killthe logs, but delog your bounce just to be safe.Mission 4: ARC Infiltration---------------------------Reward:Difficulty: 8/10(Note: This mission was changed by the patch. I'll write it up later.)Mission 5: Counter Attack-------------------------Reward:Difficulty: 4/10 (easy way) 8/10 (normal way)The last battle. ARC has launched Revelation, and you must use Faith to combat it. Speed is key.You're basically doing the same thing you did in Mission 3, except now you have to do it a lot faster. Use the Revelation Tracker to find the infected systems, and your IP Lookup to place them on the map. Hopefully, you'vesaved a bounce path. Keep disinfecting systems as fast as you can- the goalis not to kill Rev here, but to keep it from reaching critical mass. Ignorethe infected mainframes unless you have time- focus on the ISM's. BTW, if a system is crashed by Revelation, you can't connect to it, but itcan still be bounced through.Also, there's a chance that Revelation will spread to your gateway. You'llsee (and hear) a bunch of white slogans spreading across the screen. QUICKLY,run Faith locally, otherwise you'll lose your gateway.After 15 minutes, the feds will bust in to ARC and capture the hackers spreading Rev. This will slow down the spread of Rev considerably, enough thatyou should be able to finish disinfecting it. You'll get a congratulatoryemail from Arunmor when you're done.Timesavers: Right after Mission 4, put every ISM on your list of links. (useInternic) That saves you using the IP Lookup. If you want to save evenmore time, go ahead and pre-crack the admin passwords to the ISMs. (Use amonitor bypass, run your password cracker, but disconnect instead of hittingproceed.)The easiest way: Instead of waiting for the feds to shut down the hackers,just crash the ARC mainframe right when the mission starts. If you want,you can use Revelation. (Touche.) Then you just have to clean up a couple ofsmall outbreaks, and you're done. If you decide to use Revelation on ARC,you won't get the mission complete email until ARC disinfects itself, whichwill take a day or so.ARC Missions------------Mission 1: Maiden Flight------------------------Reward: 10000cDifficulty: 3/10Crash the Arunmor ISM, using Revelation.This is the exact same as Arunmor Mission 3, if you did those first.Hack into the ISM, turn off the security, upload Rev (delete a file ifnecessary), enter the console, and run Rev. As in the other mission, Rev should take care of the logs, but delog your bounce path just to be safe.Mission 2: Darwin-----------------Reward: 10000cDifficulty: 8/10(Note: This mission was changed by the patch. I'll write it up later.)Mission 3: Save It For The Jury-------------------------------Reward:Difficulty: 5/10Frame the CTO of Arunmor for bank fraud.You'll need a Log Modifier v2, if you don't already have it. Connect to thebank, making sure to use a bounce path that includes a system with low security, like InterNIC or the Academic Database. Be sure to note the currentsystem time. At the bank, do something to get yourself noticed, let yourself be traced for a couple hops, then disconnect. Connect to the low-securitysystem you picked, look for the right bounce log, and use the LogModifier to change the From IP to the one listed in your email.For insurance, (I'm not sure this is necessary) take another log and changethe type to 'BounceBegin' and the IP to the one listed as well.Now, delog as usual, and reply to the email. If you did it right, they'lltell you.Mission 4: Shiny Hammer-----------------------Reward:Difficulty: 7/10(Note: This mission was changed by the patch. I'll write it up later.)Mission 5: Grand Tour---------------------Reward: The destruction of the InternetDifficulty: 11/10 (normal way) 9/10 (easier way)Infect enough servers with Revelation to cause the entire Internet to crash.You have 15 minutes- after that, Uplink will cut off your connection.Whew! This mission is, by far, the most difficult in the game. You'll onlyhave 15 minutes to cause Revelation to reach critical mass before yourInternet connection is terminated. Not only that, you've also got Arunmorworking against you, cleansing systems that you infect. Speed will beabsolutely critical. Here's what you have to do- Connect to an ISM,run a Proxy Bypass, crack the password, turn off security, upload Rev (deleting a file if space is needed) access the console, and run Rev.Then connect to the next ISM. You need to be able to do this in under 30seconds to have any chance at succeeding.Can't do it? Not surprising, since I can't either. :) It's not your fault,however, it's a bug in Revelation v3.(A bug in a bug. LOL.)When you infect an ISM with Rev v3, that system will stay infected for a couple minutes, then the system will crash, and Rev will jump to the corresponding mainframe. After a couple more minutes, the mainframe will crash as well. Sounds good, right? Well, the catch is that Rev v3 deletes itself when it crashes a system,meaning that that system no longer counts towards your infection total. If you run the Tracker, you'll be able to tell- you'll do great for the first4-5 minutes, then your numbers will start dropping, or level off at best.So, what's the solution? Use Revelation v1. While it won't spread, it willcrash a system immediately, giving Arunmor no chance to run Faith, and thecrashed system will stay infected, most of the time. The mission willstill be very tough, but that will make it possible. You'll have to beable to crash ISM's in 40 seconds or less, though, to have any chanceof succeding.If you're still having trouble, you can cheat a little bit. A few hours before the mission starts, (when you see the news posting sayingRevelation launch due soon) start hacking random ISM's and uploading(but not running) Rev v1. If you do it fast enough, and have a long enough bounce path, they won't revoke the admin password. Do about15-20 systems. Delog, speed up time until the mission starts, and go. With the admin password and Rev preloaded, all you have to dois run your proxy bypass, turn off the security, and run Rev fromthe console. This saves a good 20 seconds per system.Oh, and please save.Uplink Ratings16- Registered (90th)15- Beginner (70th)14- Novice (30th)13- Confident (25th)12- Intermediate (20th)11- Skilled (15th)10- Experienced (10th)9-Knowledgeable (6th)8-Uber-Skilled (4th)Mission Types-------------Copy/Delete-----------Mission Level: BeginnerDifficulty Rating: 2Reward: 1500-2000cSoftware Required: None (rarely, low-level Decrypter)Mission Types: 1. Copy/Return File2. Delete File3. Copy/Return File with EncryptionYour first real missions. Very simple- connect to the target system, run your password cracker, either copy or delete the file, and you're done. None of these systems you see here will have proxies or firewalls. Occasionally, you'll be asked to decrypt the file first- just buy whateverdecrypter you need.Note: On all the Government systems, crack the password as 'readwrite' ratherthan 'admin.' If you crack it, then disconnect before proceeding, thepassword won't change. (If you crack it quick enough.) Then you can reconnect,with no trace to worry about.(Note: Occasionally, the mission board text will read, "Delete important datastored on a mainframe," or something similar. Don't worry, if it only pays2000cr, it's not a mainframe hack.)International Academic Database-------------------------------Mission Level: NoviceDifficulty Rating: 3Reward: 2500-3500cSoftware Required: NoneMission Types:Change GradesAdd/Change DegreeAdd QualificationsThese are still pretty simple. The IAD is very poor at tracing you, so justmake sure you bounce through a few servers, and you'll end up with at least120 sec of time- more than enough. Once you crack the password, login and typethe name of the person you're looking for. Once there, simply change the infolisted.If you're asked to change grades, there's no way to jump to whichever grade itis- you'll have to delete from the bottom. Don't worry- once you change thegrade, you don't have to put the others back (though you can if you want.)If you're asked to give somebody a first/third class degree, just changethe corresponding number. If you're adding a degree, it should look like this-, Class . For example- Physics, Class 1. Make sure it's spelled like it is in the email.If you're asked to add a qualification, it goes in the bottom box. Spell itexactly as it is in the email. (Yes, some are misspelled.) It doesn't matterwhat case you use.International Social Security Database--------------------------------------Mission Level: ConfidentDifficulty Rating: 4Reward: 4000-5500cSoftware Required: Proxy Disabler lv1Mission Types:Change DataThis is where it starts getting tougher. The ISSD will trace you at full speed,and has a proxy server as well. (lv1) Hopefully, you've upgraded your CPUby now. Run your Proxy Disabler first- it won't trigger a trace until it's halfdone. Once the trace starts, quickly start your password cracker and give it100% CPU time. Hopefully, by the time it and the proxy disablerfinishes, you'll have some time left to modify the necessary records.Of course, if you have a Monitor/Proxy Bypass, use those.Banks (no proxy)---------------Mission Level: IntermediateDifficulty Rating: 5Reward: 5000cr-7500crSoftware Required: IP LookupMission Types:Trace illegal transferFind financial detailsThese missions are more likely going to be easier than cracking the ISSD was. You'll either be asked to find something out about an account, or find wherea person's money came from. Either way, connect to the bank given, run yourMonitor Bypass, type in the account #, and run your cracker. (If you don'ttype in the acc #, it will try to crack the admin password by default, whichwon't work since you're not at that screen.) If you don't have a Monitor Bypass,just crack the password, disconnect, and reconnect-it won't change.Once you're in, if your mission was to find something out, then justclick the account tab, and reply back with what you've found out. If yourmission is to trace, there's one more step. Go to the statement tab,and you'll see a log showing a large transfer, and the destination IP andacc #. Run your IP Lookup software, feed in the new IP, and repeat step 1.(Your system won't save the new acc #- I usually type it into the IP Lookupbox so I don't forget it.)Tip: If the mission is to find out the size of someone's loan, 90% of the time,it will be 0. Try replying with that before you do the hack, since there's no penalty for a wrong answer.Global Criminal Database------------------------Mission Level: Intermediate/SkilledDifficulty Level: 5/6Reward: 5000-7500c or 8500-11000cSoftware Required: Decypher, Proxy Disabler lv1Software Recommended: Monitor/Proxy BypassMission Types:Clear Records (DL 5)Add Criminal Record (DL 6)Destroy Life (DL 6)Similar to the ISSD, except for two major differences.1. The GCD WILL passively trace you, and they can trace you through logsthat are deleted by anything other than a log deleter v4. (At least, I knowthey can go through a v1.)2. The GCD has an Elliptical Curve security system. Just run your Decypher.Hopefully, you have at least a Monitor Bypass by now. If not, you're really going to be pressed for time.If you're asked to clear someone's record, just hit clear. If you'reasked to frame someone for computer crimes, add it in. (Spelling counts.)If you're asked to destroy someone's life (This is a later mission) thengive them two convictions (It doesen't matter what you type), a Paroleviolation, and hit authorize arrest.Mass Copy/Delete----------------Mission Level: Intermediate/SkilledDifficulty Level: 5Reward: 5000-7500crSoftware Required: Monitor/Proxy Bypass, Decrypter (high-level)Software Recommended: Firewall BypassMission Types:File DeletionFile CopyingThese missions are much like your first ones, except you'recopying/deleting an entire set of files. I do NOT recommend the mass copymissions, for three reasons.1. You rarely have enough memory to get them all in one go. (What, theydon't have DVD-R's in the future?)2. It's tedious as hell, since you can't mass copy files, you have to do themone at a time.2. The file server you're supposed to upload them to, if it's a largejob (+100Gq) will often not have enough space to store all the files, giving you no way to complete the mission. This may have been fixed in thepatch, though.But if you want to- crack into the ISM like normal. If you don't have aFirewall Bypass, you'll have to go to the security menu and turn it off.If you're deleting, simply do it from the console. (Go into the console,type cd usr, then type delete.) If you're copying, go into the File Server.If you have a fast CPU, you may want to have multiple instances of FileCopier running. Once you've copied them all (or what your computer canhold) disconnect, decrypt, and upload to the file server. Lather, rinse,repeat.Mainframe Hacking-----------------Mission Level: Skilled/ExperiencedDifficulty Level: 5/6Reward: 5000-7500 or 8500-11000crSoftware Required: Monitor/Proxy/Firewall Bypass, Voice AnalyzerMission Types:File Deletion (DL 5)File Copying (DL 5)Server Crashing (DL 6)Mainframes have two new security wrinkles that you'll have to bypass.First, they'll only accept connections from the ISM of the same company,so make sure your last bounce is through that ISM. (Use Internic tofind it if necessary.) Before you do that, though, you'll need to geta voice sample from the system administrator, to crack the voiceprintsecurity. Simply connect to that company's Public Access Server (alsolisted on Internic) and click the link for the Administrator. Disconnectand call him, with your Voice Analyzer turned on.Hacker Tracing--------------Mission Level: Knowledgeable/Uber-SkilledDifficulty Level: 7-8Reward: 12500-15000crSoftware Required: Same as for a Mainframe hack + a Log UndeleterMission Types:TracingYou have to trace a hacker through multiple systems. I don't recommend thatyou take these, much like the mass copy jobs, because of the lengthof time required to complete the mission. But, if you want to, or if it'sthe only thing open...The email will tell you the compromised system, and the approximate timeof the hark. Typically, they'll give you a login/password too, but it'suseless since you need admin access. Crack in (they will trace you) andread the logs, finding the one that matches the time they give. Thatlog will give you the computer that the hacker bounced through. Connectto that one, and do the same thing, etc. Once, along the way, you'll have to use a Log Undeleter.Destroy Life------------See GCDBanks (with proxy)------------------Coming soon...+---------++ Secrets ++---------+Coming soon...I still remember a lot, even though I haven't played thie game for a while,so you can email me for help if you need it.My email address is chasehas AT hotmail DOT com.Copyright 2004 Chase Hasbrouck.