How Long Should Gaming Videos Be?

graceacupuncture - 08/03/2022 - STRATEGY - 799 Views

I am doing a let's play of "And Yet it Moves" which is a game for pc. I have about 4 episodes that are about 15 minutes each ready to be produced through the editor (i just make the projects then when i'm sure it's ready I then render it so I only render once). So should it be 4 15 minute parts or should it be 3 20 minute parts or whatever. I know views decrease per episode but should a gaming video be over 15 minutes per episode?

Depends on your subscribers to be honest. Most people will tell you that you should keep things under 10 minutes. I personally know of two bigger you tubers who have always done 20 to 30 minute videos daily. It's really a matter of can you hold their attention for that long. If you see analytics saying people drop off before the video is done, maybe make them a bit shorter.

I feel that only those big youtubers with loyal subs can have people watch every minute of their 20-30 minute videos. That's why I always keep my vids to a maximum of 10 minutes each. But that's me.

Nothing against you at all @Aaayron but I'm so sick of hearing people on YTT or just people in general acting like there is a rule for small youtubers, and large channels don't have to follow them. Screw that, the small stay small if you want to grow, start acting like a big channel.

That's a bit of a rant, but I think if you feel u can entertain for that length of time, hold their attention, and keep content consistent at those lengths, go for it.

Nothing against you at all @Aaayron but I'm so sick of hearing people on YTT or just people in general acting like there is a rule for small youtubers, and large channels don't have to follow them. Screw that, the small stay small if you want to grow, start acting like a big channel.

That's a bit of a rant, but I think if you feel u can entertain for that length of time, hold their attention, and keep content consistent at those lengths, go for it.

Totes agree. But there're also other factors as to why I don't post 20 minute vids anymore. - I wouldn't really be able to talk that long. It's hard for me to keep my entertainy-ness for a long time. I need breaks. - Thanks to my internet, it takes 5-8 hours to upload a vid that long. I don't have that kind of time. Big reason why I cut my vid lengths. - I've actually been getting better stats when I cut down my video lengths. People've been watching longer and I've been getting more comments. It's just that I took a long break which is why I don't get that many views in my recent videos (or so I think). Lastly, not all big youtubers have long videos. Haydunn and MunchingOrange (Poke'tubers) rarely ever had vids above 20 minutes and they both have 100k+ subs. Once again, that's just me.

Nah, go short. 10-15mins, I'd suggest no higher than 10mins but of course this also depends on the structure and length of missions or where you choose to end each episode. Only do the long 1s if it's absolutely necessary. Wait till you're much bigger before, when you are, people will start to request longer episodes. Then you can play around and adjust lengths. Of course if growth isn't your main focus, then go as long as you want.

Nothing against you at all @Aaayron but I'm so sick of hearing people on YTT or just people in general acting like there is a rule for small youtubers, and large channels don't have to follow them. Screw that, the small stay small if you want to grow, start acting like a big channel.

That's a bit of a rant, but I think if you feel u can entertain for that length of time, hold their attention, and keep content consistent at those lengths, go for it.

You won't grow if you don't have the retention to do so. Yes there are some areas on a small channel where you need to act like a bigger 1 and should act like a bigger 1, but when retention is the first priority for YouTube's algorithms, you want to maximise your chances of growth. If you're videos are entertaining from start to finish then yeah of course go for it. But otherwise if you're still testing the waters stick to shorter stuff or making stuff as short as you can to avoid drops in retention.

I've got 4 episodes of the LP ready to upload. They wont be up until I get about 10 more videos after it. I want to be able to have 2 weeks worth of stuff to upload 1 video a day before I release a series I can't follow up. Btw they are average 15 minutes and have all the amenities big channels have. The outro card, the intro graphic made custom for me, all that stuff. Full blown banner. I went to a guy on here and paid him real money to do it and it reflects that I paid real money.

I'd say if your getting subs they like your content but if your not change it up(be sure not to upset your currents subs) i am saying this from a viewer of the videos haha i have not been around long enough to worry about it yet

for small channels that just starting out 10-15 mins looks good. later on when u r more familiar commentating and depending ur subscribers u can increase the time imo.

How long should gaming video's be? That really depends on your audience. You should analyse your analytics how long people are actually watching your video's and use that information in editing process.