How to Train Your Dragon for Wii Reviews - Metacritic

graceacupuncture - 03/03/2023 - STRATEGY - 531 Views

First off, I am a huge supporter of the franchise. I was thrilled to purchase this game, way above the cost of what I should have, to have hadFirst off, I am a huge supporter of the franchise. I was thrilled to purchase this game, way above the cost of what I should have, to have had the opportunity to own and play this game for a long time after the positive experience I had watching the movie. With that being said, this Wii game is not my favorite-- and not one I am discarding either. I am an adult playing this game and I would recommend it for young children. I have played this game in both completed one-player and two-player with a friend. I'm going to start with the two-player mode. I wish there were more things to do in two-player mode, but all you can do is fight each other with dragons you select. For my friend and I playing, this soon became boring and we moved onto other games with more things to do. But children can understand and mash buttons to play this part. This game is not non-violent, but I like how it is not full of blood or weapons or other discouraging things. The dialogue has characters mildly taunting each other, but it's not offensive to me. Graphically, in a "cute anime style", this game is great. Music is not compelling for me, but some of the sound clips, especially "Victory!" remain stuck memorably in my head. Onto the one-player mode, there are two main characters to chose. Not much customization there, but when you can select dragons of your own you can change color and style of it. There are mini games to play to improve the strength of the dragons. My favorite mini game involves flying to various islands on dragons to collect sheep and put them back in a pen. The problems in this game arise with faulty controls in a mini game training mode to strengthen dragons before preparing them for battle. This part is not only extremely repetitious as you have to do it with all dragons selected,but the controls on the wii can be faulty. Even in the mini games, the wii remote does seem to act up at times too. Overall, I would encourage people to buy this game if they are supporters of the franchise and enjoyed watching the movie. I would not encourage people who are not supporters to get this game as you really need to understand the movie to enjoy its simple charm. I would not encourage anyone to buy this product for above $20, as I feel the game is worth a solid $5-$10. There is enough gameplay time for about a few hours, but it's easy to complete and finish, and be bored wondering what can I do next? I wish there was more done on a two-player level, but both by myself and with a friend we had a brief amount of time of fun.… Expand

How to Train Your Dragon for Wii Reviews - Metacritic