What Should Your Name Actually Be Based on Your Personality

graceacupuncture - 04/04/2022 - STRATEGY - 756 Views

What Should Your Name Actually Be Based on Your Personality?

By: Emily Maggrett

5 Min Quiz

Image: Thinkstock/Stockbyte/gettyimages

About This Quiz

Did your parents get it wrong? Are you a sky-diving international journalist named after your grandmother Edith? Or a motorcycle-riding mechanic that your mom decided to call "Julian"? If you've ever felt like your birth name just doesn't fit, this is the quiz for you! We've assembled a line-up of incisive personality questions that will test your ethics, taste in movies, romantic preferences and more. By the end of the test, we'll have built a psychological portrait of you that will tell us whether you're a William or a Billy, a plain Jane or a ravishing Rihanna.

Along the way, you'll get to consider some interesting hypothetical scenarios, such as which island nation would suit your character best, or whether you think staying faithful to your partner is the only ethical choice under every possible circumstance. We also want to know whether or not you're the funny one, if you're good at sports and how many people you've dated. Ready to find out the name that best suits your soul? Let's quiz it up!


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